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Bahan napel PVC: produk beungkeutan kualitas luhur

Katerangan pondok:

Ngenalkeun bahan napel PVC Bahan-bahan sacara saksama dipilin pikeun menarik ka sagala rupa syarat, sareng pilihan bodas, transparan, hideung malah warna napel. Our products ensure that the color you need is available to make your design stand out from the crowd. With our advanced technology, we have achieved high-quality adhesives that are suitable for indoor and outdoor advertising materials

Nyayogikeun OEM / ODM
Labél jasa kahirupan
Ladenan Rafcycle

Jénmén produk

Tag produk

PVC (3)
PVC (7)
PVC (1)
Taging Tag Tag

Ngenalkeun bahan napel PVC Bahan-bahan sacara saksama dipilin pikeun menarik ka sagala rupa syarat, sareng pilihan bodas, transparan, hideung malah warna napel. Our products ensure that the color you need is available to make your design stand out from the crowd. With our advanced technology, we have achieved high-quality adhesives that are suitable for indoor and outdoor advertising materials.

Our PVC adhesive stickers boast strong flexibility, which means the stickers can adapt and conform to the surfaces to which they are applied. This property allows our products to be used on curved surfaces like bottles, cups, and car bodies, creating a unique marketing approach. Additionally, the PVC series adhesive materials are resistant to high temperatures, friction, rain, sunshine, and corrosion. Résistansi cuaca anu luhur hartosna telek kami tetep cekap dina kaayaan luar sareng tetep ngajaga vicreance aranjeunna.

Kalayan warna anu dipercaya, kami nawiskeun produk kukaran anu cocog pikeun sagala rupa industri sapertos éléktronik, baranak, pati nyarang, sareng kosmétik. Kami yakin yén produk napel kami bakal nyumponan sarat naon waé aplikasi naon waé anu anjeun butuhkeun, tina labél pasokan Kantis sareng Lilin Vental pikeun Lain Ventel. Our products are suitable for both indoor and outdoor advertising, creating a new marketing platform that is both convenient and eye-catching.

Parameter produk

Garis produk PVC mandiri
Warna Kustomisasi
Kuara Lebar naon



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