Sabaraha anjeun terang tina bahan napel diri?
Labél napel aya dina sagala aspek kahirupan sapopoé. Bahan-bahan napel anu béda gaduh ciri sareng kagunaan. Salajengna, kami bakal nyandak anjeun ngartos jinis na ciri-ciri bahan napel.

1. Adangan diri biasa
Compared with the traditional label, the self-adhesive label has the advantages of no need to brush glue, no need to paste, no need to dip in water, no pollution, saving labeling time and the like, and has wide application range and is payus sareng gancang. Sticker is a kind of material, also known as self-adhesive label material, which is a composite material with paper, film or other special materials as the fabric, adhesive coated on the back and silicon-coated protective paper as the backing paper.After printing, die-cutting and other processing, it becomes a finished label.
2. PVC sorangan
3. Pengetan diri anu transparan
4. Kraft kertas
5. Anu dicabut diri
Labél anu tiasa dicabut ogé dikenal salaku labél anu ramah, labs n-label, labél anu tiasa dicabut. Aranjeunna moal ngahasilkeun ngambah nalika aranjeunna dipasihan. Aranjeunna didamel tina lem anu tiasa dicabut. They can be easily uncovered from one back sticker and then stuck to another back sticker. The labels are intact and can be reused many times.
6. Sticker emas
The matte gold self-adhesive has a golden matte surface, which has the characteristics of gorgeous and eye-catching, noble and elegant, waterproof, moisture-proof, oil-proof, high temperature resistance and tear resistance. Lahvélkeun ka kimia, industri, pabrik mesin mesin, éléktronik sareng industri sanésna.
7. Stiker pérak
The dumb silver self-adhesive label is a label printed by the dumb silver dragon self-adhesive, the dumb silver self-adhesive is also called the silver-eliminating dragon, and the dumb white self-adhesive is also called the pearl dragon. Ciri utama nyaéta label henteu dipegak, caiproofroof, buktina, buktina alkali, sareng bahanna atos keras. New utamina kuat. With the corresponding carbon ribbon printing, the label is wear-resistant and scratch-resistant.
8. Stiker pikeun tulisan tulisan
Writing paper is a common cultural paper with large consumption, which is suitable for official documents, diaries, forms, contact books, account books, record books and so on. Pupel, ogé katelah kertas napel sareng kertas tadeut, anu diwangun tina bahan segag, awan sareng nyadangkeun bahan kertas. In fact, the self-adhesive label of writing paper is the same as that of ordinary paper, but with a layer of glue on the back.
9. Stok emas / pérak
Di luhur nyaéta [jinis bahan napel sareng ciri] tina sagala eusi, kuring ngarepkeun ngabantosan anjeun!
Waktu Pasang: Jun-14-2023