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Aplikasi labél stiker dina industri dahareun

Aplikasi labél stiker dina industri dahareun

Pikeun labél anu aya hubunganna, prestasi anu diperyogikeun sabagian numutkeun lingkungan pamakean anu béda.

For example, the labels used on red wine bottles and wine bottles need to be durable, even if they are soaked in water, they will not peel or wrinkle. The movable label pasted on the canned beverage and the like can be firmly pasted and completely peeled off regardless of low temperature and high temperature. Salaku tambahan, aya label anu tiasa bénten anu macét dina permukeut kerang sareng macon-piring anu héséang batang.



Bahan labél dina bungkusan dahareun

Produk beku


Oven microwave

Waktu Pasang: Jun-14-2023