Iščete zanesljivoin China? Ne oklevajte več! With more than thirty years of experience,

 'Sprehodil se bom skozi bistvene vidike, ki si jih morate zapomniti, ko izberete zanesljivo in ugledno tovarno za vaše potrebe po samolepilnem tiskanju nalepk.


 One of the most critical factors to consider when choosing a self-adhesive label printing plant is the quality of its products. V Donglaju smo ponosni na svoje certifikat SGS, ki zagotavlja, da naši lepilni surovini izpolnjujejo najvišji standardi kakovosti in varnosti. This certification provides our customers with the assurance that they are receiving a first-class product that has undergone rigorous testing and quality control measures.

 OEM/ODM storitveto meet our customers' specific requirements. Od izbire materiala do oblikovanja in tiskanja tesno sodelujemo z našimi strankami, da bi zagotovili rešitve za označevanje nalepk po meri, ki ustrezajo njihovi blagovni znamki in specifikacijam izdelkov.












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Čas objave: julij-26-2024