Mo te tapanga waitohu, me tono kia whai kiko te ahua o te taonga. Ina koa ka hangaia te ipu, he mea tika, he mea tika kia kore e taea e te tapanga te tarai me te ngau i te wa e pehia ana (kotiti).
For round and oval containers, we will select the surface substrate and adhesive according to the container to make recommendations to customers to ensure a perfect fit with the curved surface. I tua atu, ka taea hoki te whakamahi i te tapanga "hipoki" hei hua mo nga hua penei i te horoi mākū.

Whakamahia te keehi

Te horoi me te manaaki i nga hua (Te Whakahekenga Oranga)

Horoia maku

Shampoo me te kanohi

Te wa tuku: Jun-14-2023