1. Tae Hinengaro Tohu o nga tapanga: He rereke nga tae rereke
He nui te paanga o te tae ki nga whakatau hoko kaihoko. For example, red often evokes feelings of nervousness and a tendency to make impulse purchases, making it ideal for labels used in promotional campaigns. Ko te kikorangi te tohu o te whakawhirinaki me te pumau, he pai hoki mo te peeke, hangarau me etahi atu ahumahi. Ko te whakamahi tika i te Hinengaro Tae kaore e taea te hanga tapanga noa, engari e whakaohooho ana i nga whakataunga a nga kaihoko.
2. Ko nga tapanga-a-roimata ka piki ake te wheako whakawhitiwhiti
Ko te hoahoa roimata-Taha-Tohu he taputapu hokohoko tino pai. Ka taea e nga kaihoko te haehae i tetahi waahanga o te tapanga me te pupuri i te mea hei tohunga, hei whakauru ranei ki nga mahi whakatairanga. Many food and beverage brands will use such labels to make their products more interesting and interactive, thus enhancing consumers' sense of participation.
3. Ko nga tapanga anti-chamfeting e whakarei ana i te whakawhirinaki
Ko te raru o nga taonga tinihanga kei roto i nga hikoi katoa o te ao, ina koa nga taonga whakapaipai-mutunga, nga hua hiko me etahi atu ahumahi. By adding anti-counterfeiting self-adhesive labels to products, consumers can more easily identify genuine products, thus enhancing their sense of trust. Anti-counterfeiting labels usually come with QR codes, anti-counterfeiting codes, or even special printing technology to make them difficult to counterfeit.
4. Ko te kowhiringa rauemi tapanga e pa ana ki te koiora o te papa
Ko nga tapanga mo nga rauemi rereke e tika ana mo nga ahuatanga rokiroki rereke. For example, water- and oil-resistant labels are suitable for kitchen and bathroom products, while UV-resistant self-adhesive labels are suitable for outdoor applications. Ko te whiriwhiri i nga tohu tapanga tika kaore e taea te whakarite i te ataahua me te mahinga o te tapanga, engari ka whakawhānuihia ano hoki te whare o te hua.
I nga tau kua pahure ake nei, kua tino rongonui nui nga tapanga Diginal. By adding a QR code or NFC chip to the label, consumers can scan and obtain real-time information about the product, such as production date, ingredients, usage instructions, etc. This kind of labeling not only improves product information transparency, but also creates a deeper connection between brands and consumers.
6.. Ko nga tapanga taiao te whakaputa i nga waitohu taapiri
7. Ko te tapanga makariri me te pāmahana pāmahana - e whakaatu ana i te mana o te hua
Ka taea e nga tapanga makariri me te pāmahana te whakarereke i te tae kia rite ki nga huringa o te pāmahana. For example, products that require refrigeration such as food and medicine can use such labels to show whether the products are stored at the appropriate temperature. When consumers purchase these products, they can intuitively see the status of the products, making their purchases more confident.
8. Ko nga tapanga maamaa e hanga ana i te kupu "kaore he tohu"
Kei te kaha haere, ka nui ake te rongonui o nga tapanga whaiaro-a-tinana, otira i roto i nga taonga whakapaipai me nga umanga mahi moni. They allow consumers to see the color and texture of the product inside without blocking the packaging design, bringing a “label-free” minimalist aesthetic that makes the product look more high-end and natural.
10. Ko nga tapanga taapiri mo te tono ka whakaiti i te pehanga whaihua
Ma te whakamahi i te taapiri o te tapanga-a-ringa-whaiaro ka taea e te whakaheke i te pehanga o te tuhinga. Traditional labels may require large batch printing, while print-on-demand label technology can adjust the printing content, batch size and style at any time according to actual needs. This not only saves warehousing costs, but also makes label content more flexible to adapt to different product needs.
Te wa tuku: Nov-08-2024