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Pabrik percetakan adesif label mandiri ing China









Pembekal kertas decal cricut







Label Sticker Label Printing Sticker










Pabrik Kertas Stickerroof Grosir





Pabrikan kertas lengket









Saliyane lokasi geografis, fasilitas logistik lan teknologi supplier uga kalebu pertimbangan penting. An efficient logistics management system and advanced warehousing facilities can improve logistics efficiency and reduce the loss of goods during transportation.


6,6 faktor lingkungan

Faktor lingkungan, kayata kahanan iklim, bisa uga mengaruhi efisiensi logistik. For example, extreme weather may delay the transportation of goods, so it is wise to choose suppliers that can adapt to the local environment and have countermeasures.


 6.7 evaluasi komprehensif

Bahan label inovatif

7. Perlindhungan lingkungan lan kelestarian


Nalika milih supplier adesif, standar lingkungan lan sertifikasi minangka pertimbangan utama. Whether the supplier has ISO 14001 environmental management system certification and whether it complies with more specific environmental regulations such as the EU's RoHS directive are important criteria for evaluating its environmental commitment. In addition, whether the supplier uses recyclable materials or bio-based materials is also an important indicator of its environmental performance.


7.2 Laku kelestarian


7.3 Manajemen Chain Supply Ijo


 7.4 Penilaian Efek Lingkungan


7.5 Tanggung jawab Sosial

Saliyane faktor lingkungan, tanggung jawab sosial supplier uga minangka bagean penting kanggo kelestarian. This includes ensuring that their employees enjoy fair working conditions, reasonable wages and a safe and healthy working environment, as well as assuming social responsibilities in the community, such as supporting local education and charity activities.


Minangka konsumen'demands for environmentally friendly and sustainable products grow, suppliers need to keep up with market trends and provide self-adhesive products that meet these demands. Iki bisa uga tegese ngembangake bahan sing ramah lingkungan anyar, utawa ningkatake produk sing ana kanggo nyuda pengaruh ing lingkungane.


 7.7 Peratuhan peraturan lan transparansi

Pemasok kudu tundhuk karo kabeh peraturan lingkungan sing relevan lan njaga transparansi ing manajemen chain pasokan. Iki tegese nyritakake kabijakan lingkungan, praktik lan prestasi, uga nglaporake masalah lingkungan nalika kedadeyan.

Produsen label

Hubungi kita saiki!

Sajrone telung dekade kepungkur,Donglai


Rumangsa bebas Hubungius Kapan wae! Kita kene kanggo mbantu lan seneng ngrungokake saka sampeyan. 


Adress: 101, No.6, Limin Street, Dalong Desa Dalong, Town Shiji, Datu Duib, Guangzhou

Telpon: +8613600322525


Eksekutif Sales

Wektu Pos: Aug-13-2024