Industri Donglai diadegake 30 taun kepungkur lan minangka supplier bahan bungkus. Our plant covers an area of more than 18,000 square meters, with 11 advanced production lines and related testing equipment, and can supply 2100 tons of stretch film, 6 million square meters of sealing tape and 900 tons of PP strapping tape per month. As a leading domestic supplier, Donglai Industry has more than 20 years of experience in the field of stretch film, sealing tape and PP strapping tape. Minangka produk utama perusahaan, wis ana sertifikasi SGS. Sawise pangembangan taun, bungkusan industri Donglai mesthi bisa nggayuh konsep layanan saka [Quality First, Customer pisanan]. Perusahaan kasebut duwe anggota tim profesional kanggo nyedhiyakake pelanggan VIP online lan versi online lan produk bermutu tinggi. At the same time, the company increases investment in research and development and continuously innovates products to ensure [high-quality products, from Donglai Industry packaging] Donglai Industry produces and sells four major categories of products: 1. PE stretch film series products 2. Produk Seri BOOPP TAPE 3. PP / Pet Strapping Tape Series Series 4. Bahan adesif dhewe, kabeh produk tundhuk sertifikasi Perlindungan Lingkungan lan sertifikasi SBS. Products are sold all over the world, and the quality has been recognized by domestic and foreign customers. Industri Donglai setya dadi produsen kelas siji ing industri bahan bungkusan, nyedhiyakake pelanggan kanthi kualitas lan layanan sing paling apik.
Kita nyedhiyani sampeyan:
Ing proses kontrol kualitas sing ketat, kita duwe tata cara tes 12 langkah. With precise production equipment, testing machines and industry-leading production technology, the qualification rate of our products can reach 99.9%.
Stretch film, a cornerstone of the packaging industry, continues to evolve in response to technological advances and environmental concerns. Widely used for securing products during storage and transportation, stretch film's role extends across industries, from logistics to retail. Artikel iki e ...