Donglai iðnaður var stofnaður fyrir 30 árum og er umbúðaefni birgir. Our plant covers an area of more than 18,000 square meters, with 11 advanced production lines and related testing equipment, and can supply 2100 tons of stretch film, 6 million square meters of sealing tape and 900 tons of PP strapping tape per month. As a leading domestic supplier, Donglai Industry has more than 20 years of experience in the field of stretch film, sealing tape and PP strapping tape. As the company's main product, it has passed SGS certification. Eftir margra ára þróun hafa Donglai Industry Packaging alltaf fylgt þjónustuhugtakinu [gæði fyrst, viðskiptavinur fyrst]. Fyrirtækið hefur fagmenn fagmenn til að veita viðskiptavinum allan sólarhringinn VIP þjónustu á netinu og hágæða vörur. At the same time, the company increases investment in research and development and continuously innovates products to ensure [high-quality products, from Donglai Industry packaging] Donglai Industry produces and sells four major categories of products: 1. PE stretch film series products 2. BOPP tape series products 3. PP/PET strapping tape series products 4. Self Adhesive Materials, all products comply with environmental protection certification and SGS certification. Products are sold all over the world, and the quality has been recognized by domestic and foreign customers. Donglai Industry is committed to becoming a first-class manufacturer in the packaging materials industry, providing customers with the best quality and service.
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Límbandsafurðir, sjálf límefni, strikandi hljómsveit, teygjufilm
Undir ströngu gæðaeftirlitsferli höfum við samtals 12 þrepa prófunaraðferðir. With precise production equipment, testing machines and industry-leading production technology, the qualification rate of our products can reach 99.9%.
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