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Adves & Apoxariary kayan ga ƙaƙƙarfan haɗin kai

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Donglai Company provides a transparent plastic film for paper products self-adhesive materials, that is, after printing on paper self-adhesive materials, a layer of plastic film is applied, that is, laminating.Coating is divided into “light film”and” dumb film”.The surface effect of the light film is glittering and translucent, changeable and colorful, and does not change color for a long time.Has soft hand feeling and colorful surface colors, and is a safe and environment-friendly building material which can select colors according to the change of the color feeling of the times.Film-coated color personality collocation, appealing to both refined and popular tastes.Pearlescent film, ordinary film, imitation metal film and many other varieties can meet the various needs of consumers .

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Donglai Company provides a transparent plastic film for paper products self-adhesive materials, that is, after printing on paper self-adhesive materials, a layer of plastic film is applied, that is, laminating.Coating is divided into "light film"and" dumb film".The surface effect of the light film is glittering and translucent, changeable and colorful, and does not change color for a long time.Has soft hand feeling and colorful surface colors, and is a safe and environment-friendly building material which can select colors according to the change of the color feeling of the times.Film-coated color personality collocation, appealing to both refined and popular tastes.Pearlescent film, ordinary film, imitation metal film and many other varieties can meet the various needs of consumers .

Abubuwan Farko na Fim na Optical

1.encearshe kariyar: Babu buƙatar don ba da ƙarfin, zanen, tanadin samar da ruwa da gas da sauran matsalolin jama'a.

Fa'idodi na Lamining

Haske na hasken da kansa fim din filastik ne mai hana ruwa. Ta rufe fim mai haske, farfajiya na kayan lakabin da ba ruwa za'a iya canza shi zuwa cikin ruwa.
Fim na haske yana sa farfajiya ta ɗan sanda na ɗan sanda, mafi girman-sama da kyan gani.
Fim na haske zai iya kare tawayen da aka buga / abun ciki, yin alamar alama mai ɗorewa kuma mai dorewa.

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