Com a una mena de tecnologia de marcatge i enganxament multifuncional, l'etiqueta autoadhesiva s'ha utilitzat cada cop més en la indústria dels envasos. It can not only realize printing and pattern design, but also play an important role in product identification, brand promotion, decorative effect and packaging protection.
1. Advantages de les etiquetes de les etiquetes d’adhesius s’han utilitzat àmpliament en la indústria dels envasos. Its main advantages include:
-Customizable. Sticker labels can be produced by digital printing technology to produce high-definition, multi-color, diversified patterns and stickers, which can meet the personalized needs of customers.
-Ase Aplicar. Quickly and accurately apply to any product package. -Strong anti-counterfeiting. Adhesive labels can be designed and printed with special materials to prevent counterfeiting and theft.
-Strong Sostenibilitat. Self-adhesive label materials have the characteristics of water resistance, light resistance and friction resistance, which can ensure that labels remain intact throughout the life cycle of packaging.
-Promoció ambiental. Moltes etiquetes autoadhesives estan fabricades amb materials respectuosos amb el medi ambient.

3.With the continuous development of digital printing and packaging technology, self-adhesive labels still have great potential for optimization and innovation. Les tendències futures poden incloure:
Post Horari: 14-2023 de juny