የምርት ስም: - የቀለም መለዋወጥ የቤት እንስሳ ያለ ማጣቀሻ ዝርዝር የሌለው-ማንኛውም ስፋት, ማንኛውም ስፋት, የማይታይ እና ብጁ ምድብ: - Mebranne ቁሳቁሶች
አስገራሚ ቀለም የለውጥ ለውጥ ውጤት Its surface is coated with a special coating, which can present different colors along with the viewing Angle and the light strength, presenting a unique color-changing effect. ይህ የእይታ ውጤት ሸማቾችን ትኩረት ሊስብ እና የምርቱን ማራኪነት እና ጥራት ሊጨምር ይችላል. In addition, the color-changing subsilver PET agactoadhesive label material also has excellent weather resistance and high temperature resistance, suitable for a variety of environments and application scenarios. Whether used for packaging, promotion or product identification, the color-change Asian silver PET adhesive adhesive label material can add a unique visual effect to the product, enhance the brand image, and attract the attention of consumers. Our main business is all kinds of adhesive materials, including PVC / BOPP / PET adhesive, thermal paper, writing paper, coated paper, optical paper, laser printing paper, synthetic paper, double layer bottom paper label, clothing label and other adhesive raw materials .